Daily Number to Letter Cipher For Kids

1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, 4 = D, 5 = E, 6 = F, 7 = G, 8 = H, 9 = I, 10 = J, 11 = K, 12 = L, 13 = M, 14 = N, 15 = O, 16 = P, 17 = Q, 18 = R, 19 = S, 20 = T, 21 = U, 22 = V, 23 = W, 24 = X, 25 = Y, 26 = Z
Year Letter Number
Foundation I’m 19-15 sleepy.
One ¿De qué 12-1-4-15 estás, de todos modos?
Two Estoy 15-3-21-16-1-4-15 en este momento.
Three El mago hizo 18-5-1-16-1-18-5-3-5-18 al conejo.
Four Use a ruler to measure the 12-5-14-7-20-8 .
Five He's over 6-15-18-20-25 years old.
Six The 18-5-6-5-18-5-5 blew his whistle.
Seven You get to meet all kinds of 9-14-20-5-18-5-19-20-9-14-7 people.
Eight He was told to obey the 3-15-13-13-1-14-4-13-5-14-20-19 .
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